Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Simon Says "I'm All Stuffy ... If I Could Talk, You'd Hear It!"

The common cold sounds so non-threatening, but boy is it a mess! MiMi would like to be able to just attach a kleenex to my upper lip ... I'm not too happy to see her coming at me with one in hand. But MiMi talked to my friend Harrison's Mommy yesterday and he is really sick with high fevers and so we are reminding ourselves how "lucky" we are ... runny noses and all! Hope you are doing well ... lots of rest and lots of drinking bottles ... and lots of get-well hugs ... that's my prescription for now!

1 comment:

Isn't it fun to share? MiMi loves to share with me all of your thoughts or giggles about our little stories ... so please don't keep them to yourself ... we look for them everyday.